Review: Pros & Cons

The Flysister Experience

Pro: Amazing Local Experiences

Why would you travel to a city as a tourist, and only visit places often seen on social media and Google, when you can enjoy the hidden gems that a local can show you? I’ve been shown so many “secret spots” that a generic tour bus or a travel advice page doesn’t know. Since I travel solo a lot, Flysister became a great way for me to meet people, make friends, and stay connected to locals throughout my trip and beyond. This has always been one of my favorite things about Flysister!

Con: Too Many Experiences & No Personal Space

Then again, hosts may be so inclined to show you all the hidden gems that you’d be too tired for all the must-sees. The majority of Flysister hosts are really flexible. No one is going to drag you to places and demand you to do stuff with them, but I want to candid in this Flysister review and say that I’ve also had some extremely nice and eager hosts who didn’t really understand that I’d prefer a little time to myself once in a while.

Vibes & Connections when Flysister

Pro: Good Vibes & Quick Connections

A common characteristic I’ve noticed in most locals is that they are extremely open minded. Hosts and surfers tend to be open to new ideas, engaging conversations, the exchange of perspectives and so on and so forth. Both travelers and local hosts are interested in YOU. Most FS users place a lot of emphasis on dialogue, sharing experiences, and having some sort of cultural exchange. The best part is that these exchanges often forgo the small talk in day-to-day conversations.

In addition, FS is in itself a sharing economy-type platform. Most users want to help others for little in return. I’ve made so many great friends that I still talk to today!

Con: Bad Vibes & Awkward Hangouts

It is a given that not everyone will click. You may be the most sociable, approachable, optimistic soul and there will still be people criticizing you for talking too much, being naive, and acting stupid. While the majority of FS users are open-minded and welcoming, I’ve had a few awkward experiences. This one time, my host and I just did not hit it off. We didn’t listen to the same music, cared about different things, enjoyed different topics and just couldn’t make good conversation. We literally stared at each other in silence for three days straight, not knowing what to say.

Sometimes, certain behaviors may be a tick off. One of my hosts told me that he had a person who never cleaned up after herself. She left unwashed dishes and clothes around his place and treated the apartment like a hotel. Thankfully, most people I’ve encountered aren’t like this!

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